Those crackles and pops are signs that your PC is having issue keeping up with the audio streaming. Changing settings can and will help. Though you have to set it up correctly to do what you want it to.
cubase 8 crack 100 11
This must mean that whoever is causing this crackling must be sending digital information through some sort if channel and can be received by other plugins, or at least affects them to perform other things than their normal operation.
Just did a super clean install of Win 8.1 Pro, on two different computers here. Both with different and excellent specs. This crackling is back, and no 32-bit plugin is used in the test-projects so far. This happens on both computers.
well there are more users experiencing no problems than not. if it follows on 2 clean computers i would be inclined to start looking at other common elements first like soundcard, lack of soundcard (asio4all). the chances of cubase exhibiting the same symptoms on 2 different systems would suggest cubase as the culprit but it runs fine on 95% + systems that are configured correctly with adequate hardware.
You could also chop out the pop and then use a timestretch & crossfade to join the sections back together. But ultimately it comes down to whichever option works and sounds natural. Another thing worth trying is to see how it sounds in the mix - you might find you can simply duck the crackle out and in the mix the effect is inaudible, sometimes its amazing what you can get away with.
Another thing worth trying is to see how it sounds in the mix - you might find you can simply duck the crackle out and in the mix the effect is inaudible, sometimes its amazing what you can get away with. 2ff7e9595c